Published Cases
- Goldrich v. Natural Y Surgical Specialties, (2nd App. Dist. 1994) 25 Cal.App.4th 772.
Speaking Engagements
- Program Chairperson, DRI Product Liability Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2006.
- Lauren M. Terk and Steven F. Coronado, Moderators, "And The Expert Says...: What Experts Think Attorneys Could Do Better To Increase Effectiveness", DRI Product Liability Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2006.
- Lauren M. Terk, "Alternative Dispute Resolution", Kiwanis, Petaluma Chapter, Petaluma, California, 2005.
- Lauren M. Terk, "Equine Law", Marin Horse Council Horse Course, Novato, California 2004.
- Lauren M. Terk,
"The Good, Bad, and Ugly: A Review of the Past Year's Decisions
-- Where Are We Going?", Defense Research Institute Product Liability Conference,
Las Vegas, Nevada, 2003. (The program is available on CD-ROM; the written seminar
materials that accompanied this presentation are also available.)
- Lauren M. Terk and panel, "The Top Ten Tips for Handling a Mass Tort",
Defense Research Institute Product Liability Conference
-- Mass Torts Specialized Litigation Group Session, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2000.
- Charles L. Coleman, III and Lauren M. Terk,
"Legislation and Litigation -
The Impact of Legislation on Firearms Litigation", American Bar Association
Tort and Insurance Practice Section "Gun and Media Violence - Issues for the
Litigator" Seminar, Beverly Hills, California, 2001.
Lauren M. Terk,
"The Top Ten Tips for Handling a Mass Tort," For the Defense,
July, 2000 (Defense Research Institute).
Equine Law Articles:
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - A Few Safety Reminders," Stable News,
March 1998 (your rights as a rider in public places).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - AHSA Drug Guidelines (Part IV)," Stable News,
January 1998 (forbidden substances).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - AHSA Drug Guidelines (Part III)," Stable News,
November 1997 (October 15, 1997 AHSA drug rule changes; permitted substances;
herbal supplements).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - AHSA Drug Guidelines (Part II)," Stable News,
October 1997 (forbidden, restricted and permitted substances; the investigative
process and sanctions).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - AHSA Drug Testing (Part I)," Stable News,
September 1997 (applicability and which horses are tested).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - The More Specific the Better," Stable News,
August 1997 (liability releases - dangerous propensities).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - `Release' Yourself From Liability," Stable News,
July 1997 (liability releases for the horse owner).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - Protecting Yourself From Liability," Stable News,
June 1997 (liability insurance).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - Responsibilities in a Sponsorship," Stable News,
September 1996 (who is responsible for the horse and it's acts).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - Defective Products: Who's Responsible?," Stable News,
August 1996 (who is liable if a product causes harm).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - Horses and Bicyclists at Marin Headlands," Stable News,
July 1996 (equine and bicycle access in National Parks).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - A Landlord's Responsibility," Stable News,
June 1996 (duty to maintain a safe property).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - Even Friends May Sue," Stable News,
May 1996 (liabilities of letting a friend ride your horse).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - When It's Libel or Slander," Stable News,
April 1996 (what is or is not a defamatory statement).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - Recovering For Emotional Distress," Stable News,
March 1996 (your recovery if your horse is killed).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - Bailment for Hire," Stable News,
February 1996 (who has the burden of proving liability for injury to a horse in someone's care).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - Responsibility to Avoid Risk to Riders," Stable News,
January 1996 (duty of third-party non-riders to not spook a horse).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - When Drugging a Horse Is A Crime," Stable News,
December 1995 (criminal and competition sanctions).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - Good Samaritans, Beware," Stable News,
November 1995 (standard of care if you volunteer your help).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - Liabilities of Hauling," Stable News,
October 1995 (duties and liabilities when hauling other peoples' horses).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - Put Agreements in Writing," Stable News,
September 1995 (benefits of a written contract).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - Fencing Off Liability," Stable News,
August 1995 (liability for the condition of the premises).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - Unlawful Acts," Stable News,
July 1995 (animal abuse).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - Putting a Lien on a Horse," Stable News,
June 1995 (who can file liens and how).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - Horse in the Road," Stable News,
May 1995 (rights and duties when riding on public roads).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - Sharing Public Trails," Stable News,
April 1995 (public entity immunity from liability).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - Assumption of the Risk," Stable News,
March 1995 (assumed risk versus duty to prevent harm).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - The More Specific The Better," Stable News,
February 1995 (liability releases - disclosure of dangerous propensities).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - Release Yourself from Liability," Stable News,
January 1995 (liability releases).
Lauren M. Terk, "Points of Law - Protect Us From Our Horses' Acts," Stable News,
December 1994 (liability insurance).
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